350 rub
Journal №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Definition of the maintenance of potassium orotat in a medical product «Sports-active»
granules «Sports-active»
potassium orotat
spectrofotometric metod
capillary electroforez
valid estimation
E.V. Kompanceva, Y.I. Bilyach, D.V. Kompancev, V.N. Leonova
As a result of the lead researches the opportunity of application capillary electroforez and direct spectrofotometric definitions of the maintenance of potassium orotat in a medical product «Sports-active, granules» is shown. It is installed, that the given techniques are specific, reproduced and have no a regular mistake. The technique of capillary electroforez is more comprehensible, as differs speed and presumes in share to determine in one present in granules of calcium glicerofosfat.
Pages: 19-23
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