350 rub
Journal №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Irtuganova Biochemical Structure and Properties of a Substance on a Beebread Basis
L.T. Ahmetova, S.Yu. Garmonov, Zh.Zh. Sibgatullin, I.A. Salakhov, I.V. Zevakov, E.A. Irtuganova
Now there is a need for providing the person with highly effective biologically active substances of the natural origin, allowing fully compensate a lack of vital nutrients. In this regard, the purpose of this work have consisted in carrying out standardization of a substance on a basis of beebread, studying of its composition and development of recommendations about optimal daily volume of consumption based on the biochemical properties. The chemical composition of biologically active substance on a beebread basis with using of the elaborated methods for determining of water- and fat-soluble vitamins, standard methods for evaluating of amino acid, lipid, and mineral composition is established. Value of beebread as a potential source of biologically active nutrients is discussed. The possibility to use drugs on its basis as the therapeutic-and-preventive means, allowing to compensate a lack of biologically active compounds in the human organism, is shown.
Pages: 27-31
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