350 rub
Journal №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Equivalence of the Preparation «Protub-4®» to Analogue «Kombitub®»
K.I. Usov, G.G. Yushkov, M.M. Rasulov, A.S. Gushchin
Defined identity of pharmacological properties of a preparation « Protub-4®», to the registered analogue corresponding on structure  to a preparation «Kombitub®» manufactures Cimpex Pharma PVT. LTD. (India). Bioequivalence researches are executed on nonlinear white rats. Defined the maintenance in blood of the basic components - rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamid and etambutol hydrochloride. Bioequivalence, i.e. a parity of the total areas concluded under curves of dependences of concentration of components of compared preparations and expressed in percentage has appeared: for rifampicin - 3%, for isoniazid - 6%, for pyrazinamid - 1% and for etambutol - 9%. It means, that tablets «Protubas-4», covered with a cover, Open Society «Pharmasyntes» manufactures bioequivalences to tablets «Kombitub», covered with a cover, manufactures Cimpex Pharma PVT. LTD (India).
Pages: 43-47
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