350 rub
Journal №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The ecological peculiarities, chemical and elemental composition of cyanobacterium Nostoc commune Vauch and the possibilities of some elements accumulation
A.Kh. Tambiev, S.G. Vasilieva, I.M. Sedych, A.A. Lukyanov, N.N. Kirikova
N. commune is the representative of Nostocales, relating to the group of filamentic cyanobacteria. Depending on environmental conditions it forms macro- and microscopic colonies in which the trichome plunged into mucous sheath, consisting of polysaccharides, preventing cells from desiccation and contamination. The ecological peculiarities of N. commune and its wide proliferation from the extreme northern to southern latitudes have been mentioned. In natural habitat the biomass of N. commune comes to 133,2 g/m2. The first historical data about the healing and nutritional properties of this genus representative has been reported. The researched species is widely used as nutrition product in Mongolia, Java, China, Japan, the Philippines, South America, Artic and North Asia. The chemical composition of N. commune biomass (cells with sheath) including the general content of components, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids have been determined and the analyses of some macro- and microelements has been fulfilled using the modern method of atomic-absorptive spectrometry. The possibility of obtaining the biomass enriched with essential elements such as B, Mo, Se and Zn has been investigated. The term of optimal concentration for each element was introduced, at this concentration of element in cultural medium the content of element in cells is high and the decreasing of biomass is not large. The alteration of elemental composition in cells of cyanobacterium N. commune caused by adding B, Mo and Zn to cultural medium in optimal and increased concentrations has been researched.
Pages: 43-51
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