350 rub
Journal №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Studying of some physical and chemical properties of the pectin allocated from a grass of a chrysanthemum
M.I. Kodonidi, L.P. Mykots, O.A. Andreeva, E.T. Oganesyan
Pectins are characterized some technological advantages, adsorptive properties and low toxicity. This is the reason why they are used in pharmaceutical industry as biologically active substance, fillers, solubilizers, gel formers and emulsifiers. Depending on the source of pectins and the method of extraction and purification their physic-chemical properties differ. We have extracted pectin complex from Chrysanthemum koreanum Makai grass using Kochetkov-s method. Pectin from Chrysanthemum koreanum Makai grass grade «Golden autumn» even in small concentrations (0.5 %) increase surface tention of water. By means of Oswald-s viscosimeter average molar weight (27605 g/mol), superficial activity of the pectin allocated from a grass of a Korean Chrysanthemum grade «Golden autumn», and also influence of acidity of environment and electrolits on the process of gel formation are defined. It is proved that chrysanthemum pectin is superficially inactive substance and possesses gelling ability.
Pages: 24-26
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