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Journal №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Characteristic of Ergot Alkaloids and Sources of Their Obtaining (Review)
T.A. Savina, A.G. Barsegyan, R.I. Bobyleva, S.S. Shain
Ergot alkaloids (EA) are the metabolic products of fungi genera: Claviceps, Penicililum, Rhizopus, Aspergillus, higher plants and marine animals. It is a group of biologically active compounds from class of indole derivatives. EA possess the properties of bases and a strong physiological effect. They got their name by a trivial name of major producers - mushrooms, cereal parasites of the genus Claviceps (ergot). EA hold an important place in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as used as a pharmacological various directions and mode of action. At present in the world there are over than 80 medicines with the EA. They are used both individually and combined in numerous recipes. Is considered that most of the effects of EA due to their interaction with receptors of neurotransmitters epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. For the main biological activity of compounds (antagonism of serotonin, oxytocin activity, etc.) corresponds lysergic acid fragment in the molecule, of ergopeptides, whereas the tripeptide imposes its specific impact on the overall activity of each compound. Until 1958 needs of the pharmaceutical industry in the raw material for the EA met through the collection of spontaneous sclerotia from rye crops in its agricultural cultivation. Yield, quantitative content and qualitative composition of alkaloids in ergot sclerotia wild depended on weather conditions, the growing area of the host plant, the maturity of sclerotia and so on. In addition, due to improved agricultural methods of cultivation of crops, stocks of wild ergot began to decrease sharply and the needs of the pharmaceutical industry is not provided with the necessary quantity and quality of raw materials. Currently on an industrial scale for the production of pharmaceutical raw materials containing alkaloids, use highly productive breeding strains of fungi of the genus Claviceps (Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul - producers of the peptide and the clavine alkaloids; Claviceps paspali - simple derivatives of lysergic acid and Claviceps fuziformis - clavine alkaloids ) and three main ways of obtaining (1 - a parasitic culture of ergot sclerotia, 2 - partial or complete chemical synthesis of 3 - biosynthesis of alkaloids by submerged cultivation of saprophytic strains).
Pages: 81-93
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