350 rub
Journal №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of Composition of Lipid Fraction of Ribes Rubrum L. Metabolom and Fat Oil Extraction Technology Development
A.S. Khomik, О.А. Semkina, S.N. Suslina, V.A. Bykov
The red currant - Ribes rubrum L. (Ribes sativum Syme) belongs to family Grossulariaceae. Besides utility of berries of a currant red as a foodstuff, the particular interest is represented by seeds of this plant, as a source of valuable fat oil. The most valuable perspective raw materials for oil reception is the mix of seeds and tissues of pericarp currantsfruits (press) after pressing from juice bottom. The lipid fraction of metabolom currant seeds trycilglycerides contains a significant amount of essential fat acids in structure , including gamma-linoleic acid-omega3type acid. Now in National Pharmacopy of Russian Federation a technique of preparatory allocation of lipophilic fraction from fat-oil raw materials is absent . We have set for ourselves a problem of working out of such technique for new raw materials of a red currant. The purpose of the present work was working out of laboratory technology of allocation fat oil from a withdrawal of reception of juice from current fruits : dry fabrics pericarp with seeds and studying of the received fat oil with not destructive and express method. As a result of research, it was developed by updating, a laboratory technique of allocation metabolom lipid fractions in red currant from a withdrawal of reception of juice  of the dried up fabrics pericarp with seeds. The analysis of the maintenance of fat oil in samples of the studied kinds of raw materials in the Sokslett (extragent - n-geksan) and weights of hinge plates was recommended and degree of crumbling up raw materials is carried out. It is established that the fragment of metabolome lipid complexes in currant changes makes 21-22 %. At studying of characteristics of fat oil on given by a NMR of several samples it is established that fat oil of a currant red contains 89-95 % of nonsaturated and 5-11 % of the sated acids. It is established that the maintenance of nonsaturated acids in tryacilglycerides fat oil in the raw materials of a red currant collected in July and in September are differs. On 6.5 % more than nonsaturated acids contains in fat oil of fruits of a currant red, which was collected in September.
Pages: 8-14
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