350 rub
Journal №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Studying composition of carotenoides of vegetable oils of fruits Hippophaes sp. and Rosa sp. by TLC method
O.V. Checheta, E.F. Safonova, A.I. Slivkin
The technique of allocation and definition of one of most pharmacologycally active substances of group of carotinoids in oils  β-carotin is developed by method ТLC. The way of identification β-carotin in structure Hippophaes sp. oils and oils of a Rosa sp. by means of calculation of sizes Rf and Rs is offered. The obtained data is used for calculation of key parameters of efficiency of chromatography processes in a thin layer of a sorbent, such as sizes (Rf and Rs); distribution factor (K); value of selectivity sorbtion (L). In used system for chromatography satisfactory division chromatography zones of carotinoids, as value of selectivity sorbtion is observed. With application of such methods of the analysis as ТLС and spectrophotometry, to establish that studied vegetable oils have various composition of carotenoides. Spectra of absorption of 0.1 % of solutions of investigated vegetable oils in range lengths of waves of 380-550 nanometers in various organic solvents, such as ethanol, gexane, chloroform, benzene, and acetone have been received. The revealed small differences of spectral characteristics can testify about individual qualitative and quantitative composition of carotenoides of analyzed oils. However, on spectra of the sum of carotinoids difficultly to distinguish oils on a set of individual components. The given problem it is possible to solve with use methods of chromatography, and even most simple of them - method ТLС. The developed way of definition of carotinoids method ТLС has advantage in comparison with the technique of identification of these substances recommended operating standard documentation. Last allows to define only presence of the sum of carotinoids at oils. The developed technique can find application for routine analysis vegetable oils about falsification and composition of carotenoides.
Pages: 3-7
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