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Journal №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The dynamics of proteomic profile of amniotic fluid during the physiological and complicated pregnancy
T.N. Pogorelova, V.O. Gunko, N.A. Drukker
With the help of two-dimensional electrophoresis and time-of-flight mass-spectrometry the proteomic profile of amniotic fluid was studied during the process of physiological pregnancy development and pregnancy complicated with the fetal growth restriction. Proteins of distinction were revealed and identified, discovering during the fetal growth restriction and missing during the uncomplicated pregnancy, including neurocalcin delta, CDC37-like protein, NKG2D ligand 2. Haptoglobin, peroxiredoxin-2 and epidermal protein, binding fatty acids refer to the number of proteins that were not discovered during the fetal growth restriction. The quantity of proteins of distinction depends on terms of gestation. The possible meaning of the revealed deviations of proteomic profile in the pregnancy developing, complicated with fetal growth restriction, is discussed.
Pages: 42-48
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