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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Method of microbiological optical-electrochemical testing in application to comparative analysis of biological activity of aqueous plant extracts
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700997-202404-15

V.S. Sibirtsev1, I.V. Sementsova2, O.A. Abdillaeva3, V.V. Sherstnev4

1,3,4 Saint Petersburg state chemical and pharmaceutical university (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

1,2 Institute for analytical instrumentation of RAS (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

1 vs1969r@mail.ru, 2 irina.smolko@mail.ru, 3 ojshahon.abdillaeva@spcpu.ru, 4 vladislav.sherstnev@spcpu.ru


Quality control of food, pharmaceutical and other products has become increasingly important in recent years. In turn, one of the important components of the system of such control is microbiological testing of the mentioned products, which is still carried out mainly using time-consuming, labor- and material-intensive visual methods. In this regard, the purpose of this work was to develop an express instrumental method for microbiological testing of food, pharmaceutical and other products suitable for wide practical use, as well as subsequent testing of this method during a comparative analysis with its help of the pro- and antibiotic properties of various plant extracts (often included in the mentioned products as functional additives, in particular, providing the presence of biologically active substances of natural origin in these products).

The developed technique consists of periodic (in our case, every 3 hours) instrumental recording of changes in the efficiency of elastic light scattering, pH and electrical conductivity of a liquid nutrient medium (for which we used a sterile aqueous solution with a pH of 7.2±0.2, containing 20 g/l protein hydrolyzate, 5 g/l glucose, 10 g/l sucrose, 1 g/l NaNO3, 0,5 g/l K2HPO4, 0,3 g/l MgCl2, 0,05g/l MnSO4, 0,1 g/l CaCl2 and 0,1 g/l FeCl3), incubated (in our case at 37ºC) in the presence and absence of viable test microorganisms and test samples.

In order to test the methodology we developed, we used it to perform a comparative analysis of the effect on the dynamics of life activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus (selected by us as a typical representative of the human microbiota) of different concentrations (from 25 to 3 vol.%) of 18 aqueous extracts, prepared in three different ways from 6 different types of plant raw materials used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It was shown that the nature of the biological activity of the extracts studied was determined not only by the composition of the substances present in them, but also by their concentration (with a decrease in which the antimicrobial activity of the extracts decreased, and the prebiotic activity first increased and then began to decrease), and the method of extraction from the raw materials (at a fixed concentration in the test medium, “cold infusions” had the maximum prebiotic activity, and both “cold infusions” and “hot decoctions” could have the maximum antimicrobial activity), as well as the time of interaction of the mentioned extracts with living organisms ( with an increase in which the biological activity of the extracts decreased).

The studies carried out confirmed that the microbiological testing methodology presented in this work makes it possible to more quickly, objectively and informatively, as well as less labor and material intensively compared to methods previously used for similar purposes, to quality control of samples of both new and already accepted food, pharmaceutical and other products with various herbal additives (as well as individual ingredients included in the mentioned products), including assessment of the pro- and antibiotic properties of the mentioned samples.

Pages: 149-158
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Date of receipt: 27.03.2024
Approved after review: 03.04.2024
Accepted for publication: 22.10.2024