A.A. Penzin1, P.D. Timkin2, O.N. Bondarenko3
1–3 FSBSI FRC ARSRIS (Blagoveshchensk, Russia)
1 paa@vniisoi.ru, 2 tpd@vniisoi.ru, 3 ton@vniisoi.ru
Wild forms of soy (Glycine soja Siebold & Zucc.) are characterized by a high protein content and a well-developed system of protection against biotic and abiotic stresses. However, the genetic basis of the manifestation of economically valuable traits has not been sufficiently studied. This creates difficulties in trying to use Glycine soja to improve cultivated soybeans. If this problem were solved, it would be possible to create more highly productive and resistant to adverse factors varieties. This makes wild soybeans an interesting object for studying the features of gene regulation with a view to its subsequent use in the breeding of cultivated soybeans. It is possible to identify and certify different forms of wild soybeans using microsatellite analysis. Microsatellites are often associated with quantitative trait loci, which are responsible for important agricultural properties. The regulation of certain loci is always mediated by the participation of various transcription factors (TF). Understanding the mechanisms of operation and interrelation of TF with each other would allow a more accurate approach to the design of genomic editing systems to accelerate the breeding and seed production process. The aim of this study was to create an artificial gene network of interaction of transcription factors responsible for quantitative signs associated with microsatellites in wild soybeans. Based on the lengths of microsatellites obtained using PCR, it was possible to identify a correlation between the microsatellites locus and valuable agricultural traits in wild soybean forms: KBl-24, KBl-29, KBel-72, KA-342, KA-1413, КT-156, KZ-578. 7 transcription factors and 4 for Soyprp1 were found at the Satt5 locus, respectively. Using these data, an artificial gene network was created, demonstrating the interactions of the presented genes through their intermediaries. The conducted studies have shown that some microsatellites markers may be in relationship with any sign, being either its marker or, hypothetically, influencing its manifestation. In our opinion, this effect can be explained by the connection of the studied loci with some TF responsible for a number of signs – from seed germination to leaf shape and root development. The analysis of the artificial gene network shows that the groups of TF found for Satt5 and Soyprp1 are both interconnected through their associated genes and interconnected within groups. Based on the presented results, in the future, it is possible to prepare a study design for editing individual genes or groups of them, in order to increase gene expression and thereby change agricultural traits for the better. The obtained data can help in breeding work when breeding new varieties.
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