D.V. Pashkova1, J.A. Popova2, A.V. Salnikov3, T.M. Glebova4, M.I. Kolotova5
1–5 The Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
1 dashapashkova1@yandex.ru, 2 julija.popova@gmail.com, 3 kedr@ro.ru, 4 onega-t@yandex.ru, 5 milenakoloteva@mail.ru
It is known that weightlessness, being one of the main factors of space flight, significantly affects the functional capabilities of the body. In the perspective of ultra-long space flights, the theoretical solution to the problem of detrained cardiovascular and muscular systems was considered the creation of artificial gravity by rotating a manned space station around the center of mass. However, the latter is quite complex and unlikely to be implemented by the method of creating artificial gravity, therefore, a real solution to the problem of detrainment is currently proposed to periodically create artificial gravity using a short-radius centrifuge. In this regard, to prevent such negative effects of weightlessness as the removal of hydrostatic blood pressure, the redistribution of body fluid in the cranial direction and the unloading of gravity receptors, various modes of rotation on a short-radius centrifuge are tested in model experiments. The microcirculatory bed, being the "final" link of the cardiovascular system, is one of the first to react to adverse changes in the environment and not only plays a leading role in the implementation of transcapillary exchange of gases and metabolites, but is also an object of influence of local and systemic regulatory mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis.
The purpose of the study was to assess the functional state of the microcirculatory bed in various regions of the skin in a healthy person in a series of rotations on a short–radius centrifuge.
The study of skin microcirculatory blood flow was carried out by laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Continuous registration was carried out by wearable laser analyzers installed in the skin of forehead, forearm and shin. Six healthy male volunteers participated in the study. The experiment included a series of 6 rotations on SAC with alternating interval overloads of +1.27 G and +2.06 G.
According to the LDF data, it was found that changes in the level of perfusion in the head and forearm corresponded to the profile of SAC rotation mode, signs of centralization of blood circulation. On average, the decrease in perfusion relative to the background in the first rotation was 36.7±5.1% and 10.9±4.1%, in the third rotation 21.9±3.1% and 32.5±1.1%, in the sixth rotation 24.3±4.4% and 20.9±3.2% in the studied skin regions (forehead and forearm), respectively. There were signs of centralization of blood circulation, expressed in a decrease in cutaneous blood flow in the forehead area against the background of changes in the volumetric blood flow rate of the middle cerebral artery, as well as a decrease in the volumetric blood flow rate in the femoral artery, recorded by ultrasound methods.
Pashkova D.V., Popova J.A., Salnikov A.V., Glebova T.M., Kolotova M.I. Functional state of the microcirculatory bed in various regions of the skin in a healthy person with a series of rotations on a short-radius centrifuge. Technologies of Living Systems. 2024. V. 21. № 4.
Р. 16-26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202404-02 (In Russian).
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