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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Biomarkers in the practice of biology and medicine (Literature review. Part 1)
Type of article: overview article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202302-02
UDC: 616-079; 616-071; 340.1

G.A. Tikhonova1, O.V. Kotov2, A.A. Markin3

1–3 Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation –
Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)


An urgent task of modern medical science is the search for tools that provide diagnosis and prognosis of the human body in various pathologies, evaluation of the effectiveness of therapeutic measures, as well as monitoring of prenosological processes that have predictive value. Biomarkers have become such means – specifically and quantitatively determined objective indicators of physiological and pathological processes in the body at different levels of its integration. Despite the fact that biomarkers are widely used in clinical, experimental, aerospace, marine, environmental, sports, age-related medicine, disaster medicine, pharmacology and many other industries, it is imperative to develop and implement new, highly informative biomarkers taking into account the challenges facing humanity. The paper systematizes the available data on various classes of biomarkers and the possibilities of their application in the interests of biomedical sciences, as well as in the practice of clinical medicine. Based on the existing international classification, the whole set of categories of biomarkers in biomedical and clinical versions is shown. Their properties and areas of application are determined. Emphasis is placed on the possibilities of using biomarkers in medicine. The data presented in the review can serve as a basis for planning biomedical, clinical and pharmacological studies in terms of assessing and predicting the effects of the studied phenomena.

Pages: 18-26
For citation

Tikhonova G.A., Kotov O.V., Markin A.A. Biomarkers in the practice of biology and medicine (Literature review. Part 1). Technologies of Living Systems. 2023. V. 20. № 2. Р. 18-26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202302-02 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 04.03.2023
Approved after review: 27.03.2023
Accepted for publication: 17.04.2023