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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
An application of the micro-algae Chlorella vulgaris culture in the waste-free cycle of primary production in traditional farming aiming to ensure its efficiency and environmental friendliness, improving the population health
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202203-08
UDC: 6.0.-.7

T.L. Gorbunova1, N.K. Gudkova2, A.L. Tumanova3, N.I. Matova4

1,2,4 Branch of the Institute of Natural and Technical Systems (Sochi, Russia)

3 Scientific and Research Center for Ecology and Human Health CLC (Sochi, Russia)


One of the main approaches of sustainable development and integral natural resource management became the inclusion of waste-free production technologies, safe water supply and nutrition into the life support process. The method proposed in this paper is based on the complex processes of a small farming economy that produces environmentally acceptable products grown with support of mineral and biogenic ingredients contained in the recycled materials of this farm, which serve as a nutrient substrate for the biological cultures growth and functioning, which transform the communal and production waste into a valuable commercial product. It is based on the biochemical and physiological features of the green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris IFR N C-11. An essential role is also played by the natural bactericidal properties of algae, which ensure the restriction of the pathological micro - flora spread in the final product. The relatively fast growing agricultural crops were selected as a study object, which allowed an observation and analysis of physiological and chemical differences of the plants and their consumable parts at rather short period. The content of such parameters as the percentage of dry substance, the concentration of ascorbic acid, sugars – monose and sucrose, carotene in plants was analysed, the nitrates concentration in the crops’ root was determined. The determinations were carried out both in the tissues of plants from the control group and in the experimental group using additional fertilising by chlorella suspension. At the same time, the experiment included growing chickens: in the control experiment it was carried out by traditional approach, and in the experimental one with administering the Chlorella suspension. During the experiment, the advantages of using chlorella suspension in small-scale farming compared to traditional methods is evaluated. Biochemical analysis of plant tissues indicated that when chlorella suspension is applied, the percentage of dry substance, carotene and sugars in plant tissues increases. There was a significant decrease in the nitrate content in the experimental samples compared with the control ones. The chlorella suspension consumption scheme, described in this paper, provides a possibility of intensifying the poultry farming process, therefore, improving the quality of nutrition for families and, possibly, obtaining commercial profit. The need for medical treatment was reduced and the requirements for organically produced products are ensured. The traditional agriculture ecologization has been achieved and clearly demonstrated, improving the quality of products and the plants and birds stress resistance, increasing the environmental safety of food and the habitat, due to the complex effect of Chlorella suspension on the organisms’ systems and functions, which being a natural probiotic, neutralizes forage mycotoxins and ensures the restoration and preservation of immunity. The results of this pilot project can be important not only for optimizing the approaches used in Abkhazia, but also in the world practice of organic products acquisition in condition of small-scale farming.

Pages: 73-81
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Date of receipt: 31.04.2022
Approved after review: 27.05.2022
Accepted for publication: 30.06.2022