V.A. Semiletova1, E.V. Dorokhov2
1,2 Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko (Voronezh, Russia)
Currently speleoclimatotherapy is one of the most popular non-drug and effective methods of therapeutic effects on the human body. However, there has been work to study the mechanisms of the effect of speleoclimatotherapy on the body of a healthy person.
Purpose of the work – to study the dynamics of parameters of respiration, heart rate and blood flow of a healthy adult under the influence of speleoclimatotherapy.
It is shown that the effect of speleoclimatotherapy on the human body is mainly limited to intrasystemic influences, affecting the regulatory system at the level of vagosympathetic interaction. Under the influence of speleoclimatotherapy on the 10th day of exposure, the values of the duration of inspiration, duration of expiration and the duration of the respiratory cycle of the subjects in relation to the state of rest before the course of speleo significantly decreased. The duration of RR-intervals significantly increased by the 10th day of speleoclimatotherapy and decreased after the end of the speleo course. The rheographic index was significantly higher on the 7th day after the end of speleoclimatotherapy in relation to the state of rest before the start of speleotherapy. The amplitude of rapid blood filling was significantly lower during the period of speleo exposure and after, relative to the state of rest before the speleocourse. The amplitude of the final diastolic phase also significantly decreased during the period of spele exposure and after, relative to the state of rest before the speleocourse. The amplitude of the systolic phase of the venous component slightly decreased during the course of the course in the speleo chamber, and on the 7th day after the end of the course of speleo it became significantly lower relative to the state of rest before exposure.
The data obtained expand the understanding of the physiological mechanisms of the impact of speleoclimatotherapy on the human body.
Semiletova V.A., Dorokhov E.V. Influence of speleoclimatotherapy on the dynamics of parameters of respiration, heart rate and blood flow in a healthy adult. Technologies of Living Systems. 2022. V. 19. № 1. Р. 28-37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202201-04 (In Russian)
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