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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Circovirus infection pigs, culture CVS-1 and CVS-2, diagnostics, action fight
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202103-07
UDC: 619:616.98:579

V.M. Popova1, I.N. Matveyeva2, S.A. Grin3, O.A. Bogomolova4, E.V. Markova5

1–5 FSBNU All-Russian Research and Technology Institute of Biological Industry (Biocombinate, Shchelkovsky district, Mosk. obl.)


Circovirus infection of pigs is common in many countries of the world, causing significant economic damage due to high morbidity, reduced productivity, reproductive qualities of animals and mortality. In this regard, the analysis of literary data related to the spread of zivovirus, cultivation of CVS-1 and CVS-2, diagnosis and measures to control infection.

The aim of the work – is to conduct an analysis of studies on circovirus infection to study the syndrome of multi-systemic post-recosal depletion of piglets (SMWS; establishing the prevalence of zpicovirus of different genotypes; determining the feasibion capabilities of CVS-1, CVS-2; as well as different methods of diagnosing the disease and measures to control infection.

As a result of the analysis, the separation of the swine z messovirus (CVIS) into two genotypes – CVS-1 (virus associated with the contamination of cell cultures) and CVS-2 (virus isolated from pigs) has been established. CVS-2 is associated with potentially close diseases such as, swine dermatitis syndrome and nephropathy, proliferating and necrotizing pneumonia, congenital tremor, perinatal myocarditis, reproductive insolvency. Philogenetic analysis and sequencing showed the existence of two different genomes of CVS – the non-pathogenic genotype CVS-1 and the genotype of CVS-2 associated with CMVP and minor branches of the CVS-2 genotype related to geographical origin. Fourteen types of primary cell cultures have been tested. An indirect reaction of immunofluorescence was evaluated for the replication of the virus in cell culture for the presence of antigen in the nuclei. Glucosamine is recommended to be used to increase the harvest of the virus. The use of the PCR method to identify the virus is shown.

There are various commercial vaccines against CVIS, causing the formation of specific antibodies used to immunize pigs with inactivated and recombinant subuniental vaccines with CVS-2 or capsid protein of the virus.

Pages: 67-77
For citation

Popova V.M., Matveyeva I.N., Grin S.A., Bogomolova O.A., Markova E.V. Circovirus infection pigs, culture CVS-1 and CVS-2, diagnostics, action fight. Technologies of Living Systems. 2021. V. 18. № 3. Р. 67−77. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202103-07  (in Russian).

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Date of receipt: 25.02.2021
Approved after review: 28.04.2021
Accepted for publication: 27.05.2021