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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Compartmental models of radioiodine kinetics in individual dosimetric planning of Graves disease therapy
DOI: 10.18127/j20700997-202101-04
UDC: 544.58 + 616.441-008.61

A.V. Matveev¹

1 Dostoevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia)


In Russian nuclear medicine (IDP) individual dosimetric planning of radioiodine therapy is increasingly used, in which the therapeutic activity of radioiodine is introduced into patient's body, calculated on the basis of its individual pharmacokinetics by the value of the absorbed dose which must be implemented in the thyroid gland. However this method requires significant economic costs, the availability of highly qualified engineering and technical personnel in the medical organization and the use of special diagnostic equipment, which still does not allow it to be implemented in many regions of our country. In addition, there are practically no full-fledged recommendations on IDP in Russian publications, and a number of significant problems related to it remain unresolved, including those based on the use of compartmental modeling of radioiodine kinetics.

Aim of work – generalize the previously developed four-compartment model of radioiodine kinetics during its oral administration to a five-compartment model with the allocation of a kidney compartment and a urinary bladder compartment with the possibility of calculating the radiation load on the bladder, taking into account its periodic emptying. To apply the five-compartment model for IDP of radioiodine therapy.

The work is based on the principles and methods of pharmacokinetics of radiopharmaceuticals (compartmental modeling). The HookJeeves method was used to find the minimum of the residual functional when identifying the values of the transport constants of the model. The calculation of dosimetric characteristics and therapeutic activity is based on the method of calculating absorbed doses using the compartment radioiodine activity functions found in the simulation process. To identify the model parameters, we used the results of radiometry of the thyroid gland and urine of five patients with radioiodine injected into the body.

A five-compartment model of radioiodine kinetics during its oral intake has been developed. For five patients with Graves' disease the transport constants of the model were identified and individual pharmacokinetic and dosimetric characteristics were calculated (halflife periods, maximum thyroid activity and time to reach it, absorbed doses to critical organs and tissues, and therapeutic activity administered). The time activity relationships for all compartments of the model are obtained and analyzed. The stunning-effect was evaluated for one patient.

With individual dosimetric planning, there are no cases of under- or over-irradiation of thyroid tissue, and dose loads on critical organs and tissues are tolerant. At the same time the values of the administered therapeutic activity vary widely, so for each patient it should be strictly individual and calculated based on modeling.

Pages: 41-50
For citation

Matveev A.V. Compartmental models of radioiodine kinetics in individual dosimetric planning of Graves disease therapy. Technologies of living systems. 2021. V. 18. № 1. P. 41–50. DOI: 10.18127/j20700997-202101-04 (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 07.10.2020
Approved after review: 07.11.2020
Accepted for publication: 25.12.2020