Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
The reaction of stress and activity of the cardiovascular system of foreign students of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700997-202004-08
UDC: 612.017.2

A.A. Kirichuk – Ph.D. (Agricultural), Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Ecology with a Course  in Human Ecology, Faculty of Environment, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)


The peculiarities of the relationship between the reactivity of the cardiovascular system and stress response under conditions of acclimatization and acculturation stress in foreign students have not been studied.

Aim of the work is to analyze the relationship between stress response and activity of the cardiovascular system (CVS) in foreign students from different regions of the world studying in the first year of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).

The objective of the present study was to assess the relationship between stress reaction and cardiovascular reactivity in

RUDN University international students. A total of 272 first-year students from Russia, Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Latin America were examined. Assessment of the functional reactivity of cardiovascular system was performed using diagnostic complex AngioScan-01 (AngioScan Electronics, Russia). It has been revealed that Baevsky stress index in first-year students from Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America exceeded that in Russian students by 62, 48, 38 and 63%, respectively. Stiffness index in students originating from Middle East and Africa also exceeded the control values. Oppositely, reflection index indicative of small vessel tonus was found to be the lowest in students from Middle East. The observed difference in pulse wave times 1 and 2, as well as 11% lower values of the derivative integral parameter dTpp in students from Middle East demonstrated lower aorta elasticity, being in agreement with evaluation of stiffness index. Correlation analysis demonstrated a tight (< 0.001) association between stress index and pulse frequency (r= 0.337), stiffness index (r = 0.279), pulse wave duration (r = –0.334), and dTpp (r = –0.265). Therefore, the results of the study revealed high rate of stress reaction in RUDN University international students that may affect cardiovascular reactivity, thus contributing to development of diseases and impaired academic performance.

The revealed interconnections between stress reaction and activity of the cardiovascular system can be used in the development of a set of measures for the prevention of chronic diseases in students.

Pages: 71-77
For citation

Kirichuk A.A. The reaction of stress and activity of the cardiovascular system of foreign students of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Technologies of living systems. 2020. V. 17. № 4. P. 71–77. DOI: 10.18127/j20700997-202004-08 (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 30 сентября 2020 г