350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Improvement of biotechnological processes for the production of immunoglobulins diagnostic fluorescent for identification of causative agents of tularemia and brucellosis
T.V. Zharnikova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Researcher, Specialist Training Laboratory, Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadzor E-mail: tvzhara@yandex.ru D.A. Kovalev - Ph.D. (chemistry), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Stavropol Antiplague In-stitute of Rospotrebnadzor E-mail: alcheem@mail.ru I.V. Zharnikova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Researcher, Science-Practical Laboratory of Preparations for Diagnostic of Dangerous and other Infections, Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadzor Е-mail: IVJ-biotech@yandex.ru T.V. Taran - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head of the Specialist Training Laboratory, Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadzor E-mail: lab.ps@yandex.ru M.E. Mihaylova - Researcher, Specialist Training Laboratory, Stavropol Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadzor E-mail: mikhailova.ma@yandex.ru
Modern methods of serological tests (immunnofluorestsentsii reaction, enzyme immunoassay, etc.) are widely used in the field of laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases and sanitary-epidemiological studies. For the production reaction of immunofluorescence applied immunoglobulins diagnostic fluorescent, which should have high activity and specificity. The aim of the present work is aimed at improving the biotechnological processes for the production of immunoglobulins diagnostic fluorescent for identification of causative agents of tularemia and brucellosis. In the course of research developed biotechnology receiving bifunctionalaffinity sorbent. The main component of which is immobilized on magnetic organosilica matrix of soluble antigens of heterologous strains. Bifunctional properties of sorbents allow to perform two tasks simultaneously: the release of immunoglobulin fluorescing from unbound dye and purification of immunoglobulins fluorescing from heterologous antibody by affinity interactions of the past, members of the composition of immunoglobulins and the corresponding antigens fixed on the affinity sorbent. Studied adsorption capacity of experimental samples bifunctional affinity sorbents. The proposed technology allows to provide a low cost, environmental safety, preserving the quality of diagnostic products.
Pages: 58-62


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