350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Identifying mechanisms for the effective sanitation of the human organism under the influence of mineral water «Svetla» activated by fullerens
E.V. Strukova - Research Scientist, Research and Production Biomedical Center «INDIVID», Moscow E-mail: strucbox@yandex.ru A.A. Nazarov - General Director, «Stelmas-D», Moscow E-mail: nazarov@stelmas.ru G.P. Gulidova - Dr.Sc. (Boil.), General Director, Head of Laboratory of Endogenous Regulation, Research and Production Biomedical Center «INDIVID», Moscow E-mail: argum@yandex.ru
The concentration dependence of the effect of mineral water «Svetla» activated by fullerens on the processes of oxygen con-sumption and energy formation in mitochondria under normal and pathological conditions was studied. We studied the in-fluence of mineral water «Svetla» with patients in the optimal concentration on clinical blood analysis, bio-energetic status of the organism and the level of lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte membranes. In in- vitro experiments the optimal water concentration was established (25 vol%) where there is an increase in the intensity of oxygen consumption and formation of ATP energy by isolated mitochondria. At higher concentrations we observed an inhibitory effect of mineral water «Svetla» on bio-energetic characteristics of mitochondria. The antioxidant action of mineral water «Svetla» was established. The intake of mineral water «Svetla» by patients leads to improvement of indices of clinical blood analysis, contributes to the normalization of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, improves the energy status of the organism and reduces the level of pe-roxide compounds in the membranes of red blood cells. Thus, the mineral water «Svetla» activated by fullerens in the op-timal concentration is characterized by exclusively important properties which improve human health.
Pages: 59-66


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