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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Metabolic syndrome and the risk of cancer (population research)
incidencein the countries ofcancerin different locations
the indicators of metabolic syndrome
correlationandre-gression analysis
L.A. Radkevich - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Center for Theoretical Problems of Physico-Chemical Pharmacology of the RAS
E-mail: rlactp@gmail.com
A.S. Kabankin - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Center for Theoretical Problems of Physico-Chemical Pharma-cology of the RAS
E-mail: kabankin_a@mail.ru
D.A. Radkevich - Research-Engineer, Center for Theoretical Problems of Physico-Chemical Pharmacology of the RAS, Moscow
E-mail: rlactp@gmail.com
By means of Spearman-s nonparametric correlation analysis interrelations between indicators of a metabolic syndrome (MS) in the various countries and incidence rates of a cancer of various localization (25 kinds) are investigated. It is established, that 68% of types of a cancer are significantly and positively associated with % of persons with Ухл1 and Ухл2 (r = 0,83-0,50); 41% of types of a cancer are associated with % of persons with IMТ1 and IMТ2 (r = 0,68-0,50); 22,7% of types of a cancer - with % of persons with COAL > 7 mmol/l (r = 0,59-0,50); 36,4% of types of a cancer - with % of persons with АД1 and АД2 (r = 0,48-0,30); 13,6% of types of a cancer - with NFA (r = 0,44-0,40). 80% of types of a cancer, and also all indicators of MS are positively associated with geographical latitude (r = 0,72-0,76). Only 18% of types of a cancer (a cancer of a nasopharynx, a liver, cervix and sarcoma Kаposi) had negative correlation with all indicators of MS and geographical latitude. By means of multiple regression analysis the influence of various indicators of MS on incidence rates of a cancer of various types is investigated. It is shown, that independent variables «% of persons with УХл1» and «% of persons with AD1» have the greatest significant influence on variability of the dependent variable. Opportunities of reduction in cancer incidence rates by regulation of various indicators of MS are discussed.
Pages: 28-37
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