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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Nutritional risk factors of the metabolic syndrome (рopulation research, forecasts)
metabolic syndrome
the levels of consumption of food and nutrients
correlation and regression analysis
L.A. Radkevich - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Deputy Director of Science, Center for Theoretical Problems of Physico-Chemical Pharmacology of the RAS, Moscow
E-mail: rlactp@gmail.com
A.S. Kabankin - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Chief Research Scientist, Center for Theoretical Problems of Physico-Chemical Pharmacology of the RAS, Moscow
E-mail: kabankin_a@mail.ru
A.V. Sintsov - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Center for Theoretical Problems of Physico-Chemical Pharmacology of the RAS, Moscow
E-mail: sintsov@insysbio.ru
D. A.Radkevich - Student, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
In the work of the correlation in the proportion of people with MS indicators in countries with 90% of products and nutrients (40 species). In 34 countries with a share of the population ≥ 60% with cholesterol ≥5.0. levels of food consumption in 3-10 times higher than in other countries of the world. In the multiple regression analysis identified the product group (28%), consumption levels which have the most significant impact on the performance of MS: poultry meat, egg, wheat, corn, tomatoes, beer, coffee, sugar, butter. 77% carbohydrate, 22% protein and 11% fat. By analyzing the obtained regression equations established that a reduction of 100% of the levels of consumption of poultry meat, eggs, wheat, beer, coffee and butter reduces by 53% the proportion of the population in countries with cholesterol ≥5.0. A reduction of 100% of the levels of consumption of poultry meat, maize, wheat, tomatoes, beer and sugar leads to a reduction of 86% of the population in countries with a BMI≥25. Research results extend the understanding of the links and dependencies indicators mortality from consumption of foods and nutrients and can be used for the prevention and correction of MC.
Pages: 55-63
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