350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Improving individual self as a result of education in the third age
E.V. Belovol - Ph.D. (Psych.), Professor, Developmental Psychology Chair, MSPU, Moscow, Russia E-mail: belovol@mail.ru Z.V. Boyko - Ph.D. (Psych.), Associate Professor, Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples′ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow E-mail: boikozv@yandex.ru I.V. Radysh - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician REA, Head of Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples′ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow E-mail: iradysh@mail.ru E.Y. Shurupova - Practical Psychologist, Director, Psychological-and-Pedagogical Centre for Children and Adolescents «Merry steps», Moscow E-mail: shurupovaelena@mail.ru
The problem of senior persons - well being became topical in 60-70-th of the XX century when duration of life grew consi-derably. As the result in UNO Conception of lifelong education aimed at senior-s possibility of self-realization in different spheres of education, culture, spiritual life and rest was adopted. Today the problem of aging, preservation of somatic and mental health of seniors is the issue for different branches of medicine and psychology. In Russia realization of the Conception at the present is at its beginning. In our research the study of influence of learning in elderly age on value-meaning sphere was the subject. At the first stage the results indicated that there was a great difference between values that were significant and important for the partici-pants and achievable ones. At the second stage after a year and a half of studying the growth in confidence in own possi-bilities to reach the desirable was revealed. The study shows that transformation of value-meaning sphere of the elderly is possible. Positive changes in the sphere were revealed. The level of self-realization and integration increased and the level of person-s well being increased as the result.
Pages: 48-54


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