350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Gender specificity of patients based on the database of mri studies
N.V. Anisimov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: anisimovnv@mail.ru O.S. Pavlova - Post-graduate Student, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: oleuf@mail.ru S.S. Batova - Ph.D. (Phys.), Research Scientist, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: teka-kor@yandex.ru M.V. Gulyaev - Ph.D. (Phys.), Research Scientist, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: mihon-epsilon@ya.ru Yu.A. Pirogov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: yupi937@gmail.com
The article gives the results of processing materials from the database (DB) on 38 thousands of MRI studies carried out in the Center for Magnetic Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Moscow State University (CMTS MSU) for 17 years. It is shown how these results can be used not only in medicine (studying gender organ identify, revealing asymmetries of paired organs), but also in interdisciplinary investigations - evolutionary anthropometry, demography, magnetometry and studies of superconductors, etc. For 17 thousand brain research, data on evolutionary anthropometry as a dependency of the size of the men and women head from their year of birth were found. As an initial material source, we used data on the size of the scan zone which was determined by MRI operator during head brain studies in accordance with the rules of the CMTS ex-actly on the real size of the head. It was marked stability of these sizes for all patients born in the nearly 100-year period. MRI data base contains information about the age and gender of the patients CMTS patients. Their correlation with the re-sults of demographic studies conducted during the Census of Moscow and all Russia was revealed. This shows that age and gender composition of the patients reflects the demographic situation in the region, where they are received from. The first preliminary data about asymmetry of paired organs - left and right knee joints on the differences in their demand for MRI studies. It is assumed that their injuries associated with functional specificity. It is marked a large demand in the study of the left joint, especially for women. The proposed parameters for quantifying asymmetry give values about 3.6% for women and 1.2% for men. The data can be used to clarify the evolutionary theories of asymmetrization of organisms, brain and paired organs (V.A. Geodakian, 1993). Updated after 2010 data on the evolution of the magnitude of the magnetic field 0.5 Tesla MRI scanner are given. This value is determined by the automatic measurements of Larmor frequency f, carried out at the beginning of each MRI study. Lowering field is associated with decrease of current flowing through the magnet solenoid because of the residual Ohmic resistance of the superconductor. In order to assess the time constant of field recession, it is useful to extract from consideration initial (2-3 year old) part of plot, where the recession curve f(t) is much more edgy. Then for the rest temporary part, f(t) recession constant is ~ 0.24 million years, and the annual rate of the f change ~90 Hz. The last parameter should be taken into account during comparing spectroscopy data provided through long time intervals with use the plot f(t) for exacter evaluation. As an example of such studies, in vivo investigations of fluorocarbon compounds with excretion period of some weeks or months were indicated. It is noted that the previously projected impact of variations of the Earth\'s magnetic field by the amount f has not received reliable evidence. Therefore, the observed on the plot f(t) variations in the form of \"overshoots\" with amplitude up to 200 Hz is likely attributable to local factors. Earlier it was stated, the frequency f depends on examined organ, that was associated with various fat content in different organs, which in turn should be gender-sensitive. To clarify this aggregate factor, readings f(t) were preliminary differentiated not only on organs, but also on the gender of patients. Unusual results concerning subordination (vertical separation) graphs of f(t) for different organs of men and women were identified. In particular, a higher Larmor frequency f for women compared to men was found. Paradoxes were explained by specifics of clothing, in which the patient passed study - availability in clothes of metal parts that increase magnetic field, even though they are situated at a considerable distance from the scan zone. It is necessary to prepare more carefully patients to conducting MRI studies that use pulse sequences the most sensitive to the homogeneity of magnetic field. The effect of small metal parts on the quality of MRI images in case of pulse sequence with FatSat option - frequency selective suppression of adipose tissue. Carrying out studies with tracking spectral dynamics should take into account not only change of Larmor frequency because of reducing magnetic field on the value ~ 5 ppm/year. It is also necessary to take into account the possible increase in this field (5-10 ppm) because of bringing in it (sometimes unconsciously) of metal objects that belong to the subject - implants, decorations, clothing details, etc. Additionally they should take into account the factors affecting on the frequency f, when there are long-term measurements, in particular in the study of fluorocarbon compounds. To improve the efficiency of the statistical analysis, it is proposed to integrate the databases, relating to other agencies, operating MRI equipment.
Pages: 38-48


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