350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Athematical description of the age-related changes of the elastic properties of biological tissues
A.I. Ulitenko - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Industrial Electronics Department, FSFEI HVE «Ryazan state radioengineering university». E-mail: aleksandrulitenko@yandex.ru A.N. Strelkov - Ph.D. (Med.), Urologist, Head of Operational Department, SFO RR «Ryazan regional clinical hospital». Е-mail: anstrel11@yandex.ru
In this paper a physical model and the method of the mathematical description of the age-related changes of the elastic properties of biological tissues are offered. It is shown that in accordance with the analysis of the direct method of elasticity measurement of albuginea of cavernous bodies elasticity permanently decreases with the increasing impact force and it asymptotically approaches to the steady-state values lying in the range from 2,3∙10-8 to 3,4∙10-8 m2/N. With increasing age, along with the decrease of the absolute value of elasticity its relative change decreases. The offered technique of result processing of the direct method of measurement is also fully applicable for the analysis of other elastic properties of biological tissues: ligamentous apparatus, vessels, etc. Its use significantly expands the possibilities of processing of experimental research until obtaining quantitative ratios, it allows to identify regularities in the changes of the properties of biological tissues.
Pages: 60-64


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