350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Evaluation index of spectral power of brain activity theta band in occipital parts of the cortex in children
A.N. Sinelnikova - Ph.D. (Me.d.), Associate Professor, Department of Normal Physiology, Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: dr-sinann@yandex.ru A.A. Goldaeva - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Lector, Department of Probability Theory, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: gold_ann@list.ru D.V. Torshin - Intern, Department of Neurology, Evdokimov Moscow State Medical Dental University. E-mail: torshin.dmitrii@rambler.ru A.E. Nikiforova - Student 2-nd year, Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: ideologiya@me.com
With the help of the spectral analysis method we calculated the index of theta activity (SPIθ) in occipital cortex in both right (O2P4) and left (O1P3) hemisphere in children groups of different ages in a state of passive wakefulness with eyes closed. We estimated changes of SPIθ during an arbitrary two-minute hyperventilation and within the first minute after the end of the arbitrary hyperventilation. The research were conducted at the city children's clinic (Clinic №131, Moscow). The groups were formed according to the age periodization by L.S. Vygotsky. For EEG recording we used electroencephalograph Neuron-Spector-4/P («Neurosoft», Taganrog). Electrodes were applied according to international EEG «10-20» system. We made a qualitative assessment of frequency spectrum of theta range in occipital cortex with spectral method using fast Fourier transform (FFT). The index of morphofunctional immaturity of neuronal mechanisms of the main activity of background record formation at the age of 4-7 and 8-12 is the high SPI which significantly increases during an arbitrary hyperventilation. Mophofunctional connections between neurons of specific thalamic nuclei and occipital cortex area mature to 13-16 years old, which confirms by significant decrease of SPI in occipital cortex of both right and left hemisphere in a state of passive wakefulness with eyes closed as well as during arbitrary hyperventilation.
Pages: 24-29


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