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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Seasonal variation in protein metabolism and haemoglobin a1c in healthy men
I.V. Radysh - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician REA, Head Department of Management of Nursing Ac-tivities, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: iradysh@mail.ru
V.V. Skalny - Ph. D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia. E-mail: vskalny@gmail.com
N.D. Kisliy - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia. E-mail: kisliy2@gmail.com
V.I. Torshin - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Academician REA, Head Department of Normal Physiology, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia. E-mail: vtorshin@mail.ru
B.B. Radysh - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head Department of Gerontology, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia. E-mail: bobrat@rambler.ru
N.V. Ermakova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician REA, Department of Normal Physiology Peoples - Friendship University of Russia. E-mail: n.v.ermakova@mail.ru
The results of the study of indicators of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, hemoglobin and haemoglobin A1c in healthy men.
The 244 healthy men volunteers aged 25 to 55 years were examined four times during the year: in winter (December-February), spring (March-May), summer (July-August) and autumn (September-November).
It was found that the maximum level of hemoglobin and HbA1c were observed in winter, total protein and glucose - in the autumn, and albumin - spring.
Thus, these data indicate undulating adaptive changes in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, hemoglobin and hemoglobin A1c in the course of the year. One of the most striking manifestations of this phenomenon is the change in carbohydrate metabolism at the level of gluconeogenesis, which is likely to be regarded as an adaptive tool, providing the possibility of metabolic reconstructions for enhancing the use of protein metabolism in order to compensate for higher energy costs during the cold season. In addition, special concern should be present when using HbA1c levels to diagnose diabetes mellitus in temperate countries where the presence of a significant peak-to-trough amplitude could easily misdiagnose patients over distinct months.
Pages: 19-23
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