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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Variation of amplitude R-wave of the electrocardiogram under influence by the chamber test
amplitude of the ECG R-wave
the chamber test
biochemical parameters of blood
periodic rhythm
N.V. Savina - Senior Research Scientist, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Moscow. E-mail: savina@imbp.ru
A.M. Nosovsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Moscow. E-mail: nam@imbp.ru
L.Kh. Bragin - Dr. Sc. (Med.), State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Moscow. E-mail: bragin_leonid@mail.ru
A.E. Severin - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Russian University of People Friendship, Moscow
The study of changes in the amplitude of the ECG R-wave influenced by the chamber test was made with the simultaneous evaluation of biochemical parameters of blood. 140 men and 10 women aged from 22 to 55 years in total were surveyed.
The study established that the blood biochemical substrates had effect on the formation of periodic rhythm changes of the R-wave amplitude.
The established interrelationship represents scientific and practical interest and can be the basis for screening persons in an autonomous environment.
Pages: 80-82
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