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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Bio-energy-information state of the water component of the human body, which determines the process of life
electromagnetic radiation of longitudinal electromagnetic waves that make up the water
acidic water
the differences of the longitudinal transverse electromagnetic wave
infrared absorption spectrum
A.N. Pavlov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department, MTUCI E-mail: pan1943@mail.ru
S.A. Novichkov - Student, MTUCI E-mail: serafim5788@mail.ru
The phenomena occurring during the impact on the aquatic environment of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). The show features such impacts, the formation of longitudinal electromagnetic waves (LEMW), as well as the contrast of its properties from the transverse electromagnetic wave, in particular, the prevalence of bias currents formed in the water as a dielectric over the conduction currents. Describes a result of an experiment revealed peaks «optical transmittance» at frequencies of 170 MHz and 270 MHz and the corresponding cluster of the aquatic environment. Describes the resulting study the differences between the responses to the effects of EMR on acid and alkaline components of the water. The determining role of the acid component in the processes of life. Describes the process by which you can change the pH upward, and the experimental results obtained under the influence of EMI at a frequency of 170 MHz for 60 minutes, achieved initial water pH change from 6.4 to 7.3. The hypothesis about the possibility of using the results obtained in the processes of life.
Pages: 74-79
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