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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Bone tissue as an object of biotechnology research and development
V.V. Rozanov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Accelerators Physics and Radiation Medicine of Physical Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Leading Research Scientist of Scientific Centre of Hydro-Physics Researches; Head of Laboratory of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Aromatic Plants. E-mail: vro-zanov@mail.ru
I.V. Matveychuk - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of Scientific and Educational-Methodic Centre of Bio-Medical Technolo-gies of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Aromatic Plants. E-mail: nizbmtvilar@gmail.com
Yu.I. Denisov-Nikol-sky - Academician of RAS, Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist of Scientific and Edu-cational-Methodic Centre of Bio-Medical Technologies of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Aromatic Plants. E-mail: nizbmtvilar@gmail.com
Yu.Yu. Litvinov - Deputy Head of Scientific and Educational-Methodic Centre of Bio-Medical Technologies of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Aromatic Plants. E-mail: nizbmtvilar@gmail.com
The characteristics of the structural organization of natural composite - bone tissue of humans and animals (ox, pig) as the object of biotechnology research and development of interest to bioimplantology are discussed. Modern innovative methods of sample preparation, allowing to manufacture bone implants of different shapes, sizes, composite structure based biological and methodological factors are presented. In particular, an effective separation of bone tissue for manufacturing of standard cylindrical specimens with different orientations relative to the longitudinal axis of the bone is possible by using hollow cylindrical cutters with different lengths and diameters, cutting milling cutters up to 150 microns thick with a toothed cutting part or made using diamond deposition, as well as special assistive devices and adaptations. The resulting samples are very convenient to carry out mechanical tests according to standard conventional techniques.
Another innovative solution proposed for sample preparation is the use of hydro-jet technology that can not only effectively cut bone fragments with different compositional structure, but also provide an opportunity to give them the desired shape while achieving high-quality machined surfaces. As a result, thanks to the author\'s development of high-tech methods of physical-mechanical separation and processing of bone fragments we have the opportunity to minimize damage of the sur-face layer of the implants and to ensure its compliance with the bioimplantology requirements.
A detailed study have been performed to investigate the features of intraosseous spaces (IOS) system, which is formed at various stages of osteogenesis and is a multi-level volumetrical oriented system of the central, perforating (anastomosing) channels, gaps and tubules, interfibrillary and intercrystalline spaces . This complex spatial configuration allows the use of bone tissue as a depot for the creation of new pharmaceuticals, in which the bone plays the role of carrier for drugs targeted delivery into the surgical intervention zone. The advanced methods are proposed for sterilization of bone fragments in all stages of the process of their production, which ensures not only the safety of the patients, but also reliable protection of personnel as well as eliminate the harmful effects on the environment.
Pages: 25-35
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