350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Reaction cardiovascular system to the hypoxic-hypercapnic trainings
I.V. Radysh - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician REA, Head Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples Frendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: iradysh@mail.ru O.V. Vartanova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Management of Nursing Activities Peoples Frendship University of Russia (Moscow) E-mail: vartanova.o@gmail.com V.I. Torshin - Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Academician REA, Head of Department of Normal Physiology Peoples Frendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: vtorshin@mail.ru D.Yu. Shcherbakova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Physiology, Samara State University. E-mail: ala-la57@rambler.ru A.E. Severin - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Academician REA, Professor, Department of Normal Physiology Peoples Frendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: aesever@mail.ru R.A. Yusupov - Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Head Department of Physical Education and Sports, Kazan National Research Technical University in A.N. Tupolev. E-mail: rinatbox@rambler.ru
The results of the effect of hypoxic-hypercapnic training to change the parameters of the cardiovascular system in individ-uals with ischemic changes in the heart muscle. The study involved 125 people aged 45 to 65 years, with signs of myocardial ischemia and deviations from the norm of the T wave and tidal train on the simulator hypoxic-hypercapnic type («Samozdrav»). It was found that the outcome of the examination subjects average РаСО2 equaled - 31.8 mm Hg. With this result, based on the percentage of myocardial perfusion, depending on РаСО2 it was 72% of normal, respectively, the lack of blood flow was 28%. After a course of respiratory training with hypoxic-hypercapnic gas mixtures for breathing simulator for 8 months and increased the level of РаСО2 of 37 mm Hg. Depending on the percentage of myocardial perfusion by РаСО2 seen that myocardial perfusion improved by 12% (p < 0,05). It is revealed that after a hypoxic-hypercapnic training in the subjects observed a decrease signs of ischemia and myocar-dial perfusion improved by 12%, as well as restoring the parameters of the T wave on the electrocardiogram to normal in 62% subjects. Thus, the results indicate that by using the simulator («Samozdrav») there was a strong tendency to increase the partial pressure СО2 in exhaled air, leading to normalization of arterial carbon dioxide - the most important regulator of blood flow and vasodilatation effect.
Pages: 33-37


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