350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Especially nonspecific adaptive reactions of organism in extreme conditions
I.V. Radysh - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician REA, Head Department of Management of nursing activities, Peoples Frendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: iradysh@mail.ru V.I. Torshin - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Academician REA, Head of Department of Normal Physiology, Peoples Frendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: vtorshin@mail.ru V.A. Dudelzon - Post-graduate Student, Department of Management of Nursing Activities, Peoples Frendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: slimdud@rambler.ru B.B. Radysh - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head of the Gerontology-s Department, Peoples Frendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: bobrat@rambler.ru
The results of the evaluation study of the common indicators of non-specific adaptation reactions of subjects after being in the war zone. We examined 46 men aged 20 to 30 years. Found that after being in the war zone was observed in the examined tension adaptation mechanisms compared with baseline data. The studies revealed that the examined after being in a combat zone had significantly (p < 0,05) increase in the relative number of eosinophils and lymphocytes, and reduced monocyte stab and segmented neutrophils. It was found that the basic relation to the characteristics of reactions - between the number of lymphocytes and segmented neutrophils was significantly higher in subjects after a stay in a combat zone, indicating that a higher percentage of reactivation reaction from them. It was revealed that the value of training and calm response activation was significantly (p < 0,05) higher in subjects up to the fighting and after rehabilitation, and increased activation reactions and reactivation of chronic stress after being in a combat zone. This indicates that the reaction workout develops in response to weak impact activation reaction - in response to the impact of medium strength, stress response - in response to a strong impact. Each of the reaction is characterized by its complex changes in the central nervous system, endocrine, thymicolymphatic systems and metabolism, what distinguishes these reactions from each other and from the stress reaction to strong impact. Thus, these data suggest that after being in a war zone have the highest percentage of subjects with adverse reactions adaptation - and the reactivation of chronic stress. Reaction formation and reactivation of chronic stress surveyed occurred under the influence of great psychological and physical stress in extreme conditions.
Pages: 8-12


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