350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Breast cancer with basal cell differentiation: clinical course and 5-year out-comes
M.M. Fael - Post-graduate Student, Department of Tumors of the Skin, Soft Tissues, Breast Beds Thoracic Surgery, Russian Scientific Center of Roentgen Radiology MH RF, Moscow. E-mail: dutsun@list.ru O.P. Bliznyukov - Dr. Sc. (Med), Head of the Department of Pathology, Russian Scientific Center of Roentgen Radiology (RSCRR) MH RF N.V. Melnikova - Ph. D. (Med), Leading Researcher Scientist, Laboratory of Immunology, Stem Cell Technologies in On-cology, Russian Scientific Center of Roentgen Radiology (RSCRR) MH RF
For infiltrating breast cancers with basal cell differentiation characterized by high frequency of hematogenous metastases that are detected in 43.5% of patients, which is significantly higher than in patients with infiltrative breast cancer with luminal differentiation of cells and triple negative phenotype. Тhe Most common sites of metastases is the liver (26%), bones (26%), lung (21%). Half of the patients with infiltrative breast cancer with basal cell differentiation have clinical stage of the disease II A-В and III А-B. For these cancers are not detected early (stage Тis) and late (IIIC and IV) stage disease is characterized by the ingrowth of the tumor in the breast skin, chest muscle and metastases in more than 10 lymph nodes. Overall 5 year survival rate of patients with infiltrative breast cancer with basal cell differentiation is 73,7%. This is 20% less than in patients with infiltrative carcinoma with luminal (A+B) phenotype, and 6% less than in patients with infil-trative cancer with triple negative phenotype. Factors that determine adverse clinical outcome, is the high incidence of hematogenous metastases and resistance of the tumor to hormonal and targeted therapy.
Pages: 27-35


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