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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Upon using Heart Rate Variability Method for differential diagnostics of peptic ulcer disease and idiopathic ulcers
peptic ulcer disease
idiopathic of duodenal ulcers
Helicobacter pylori
heart rate variability
D.А. Chizhikov - Surgeon, Post-graduate Student, Establishment of Health Care «Gorokhoveckaja CRH». E-mail: Dmach@yandex.ru
L.В. Fomin - Post-graduate Student, GBOU TLU Novgorod state Medical Academy of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation. E-mail: reff@pochta.ru
V.I. Borisov - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, GBOU TLU Novgorod State Medical Academy of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation. E-mail: viborissov@mail.ru
A disclosure of diagnostically significant differences between peptic ulcer disease and idiopathic ulcers.
Correlation of data of endoscopic examination as well as revealing of Нelicobacter рylori and spectral domain analysis of Heart Rate Variability have been used in 275 adult persons (women - 153, men - 122). Most of them were suspected for different GIT pathology, and 55 had endoscopically confirmed symptoms of duodenal ulcer.
Spectral domain analysis was reliable for revealing patients with duodenal ulcer, as well as differentiation of Нelicobacter рylori positive and negative duodenal ulcer (the last result may be symptoms of idiopathic ulcers).
The data support that spectral domain analysis may be useful in diagnostics and differential diagnostics of peptic ulcer disease and idiopathic ulcers.
Pages: 58-62
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