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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Self-descriptiveness and prospective stabilomety in clinical dentisrty
stabilometry methods stabilometry
stabilometry in dentistry
functional diagnostics in dentistry
E.A. Solovykh - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Prostetic Dentistry, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Stabilometry is one of the biomechanical method of registration postural balance. This technology has a wide application in the different areas of medicine. And it-s begin an available technique in dentistry, but there isn-t scientific explaining its application in the literature. In this research, the data of stabilometry in 251 patients (129 male, 122 female) were analyzed by means of cluster analysis. Four methods were applied: the European method, Romberg-s test (the European version), Romberg-s test (the American version), Romberg-s test (the American universal method). Moreover were described correlation between functional parameters dental and postural system. It-s allow to discovered the influencingand relationship between dental system on postural balance. The results of the research demonstrate that the applied stabilometry methods have the same information value. The most important stabilometry parameters for clinical practice are absolute, and frequenciesparameters. European methods of stabilometryis sufficient for clinical practice, as they provide valuable information about functional statement of the postural system.Stabilometryis recommended for apply in dentistry as functional medical research for investigation dental system and its impact on the functional statement of the postural system.On the whole for the first time were find theoretical substantiation for apply stabilometry in dentistry and basis its practical usage.
Pages: 3-12
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