350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Аdaptation reactions of students from Africa in moscow megalopolis
A.A. Kirichuk - Ph.D. (Agricult.), Associate Professor, Department of Judicial Ecology of Ecological Faculty, Russian Peoples - Friendship University, Moscow. E-mail: a.kirichuk@mail.ru
A.Ya. Chizhov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor of Department of Judicial Ecology of Ecological Faculty, Russian Peoples - Friendship University, Moscow. E-mail: ma21@mail.ru
Students from Africa who came to study in Moscow are affected by complex adaptive factors: changes in the climatic zones, socio-psychological conditions, the nature of power, the increase in mental stress and negative anthropogenic environmental factors megalopolis. This chemical pollution (nitric oxide and carbon, dioxins, sulfur dioxide, heavy metals, etc.) and physical contamination (radiation and electromagnetic radiation, vibration, noise, etc.). The study involved 433 healthy students , men and women aged 18 to 22 years. Of these, 148 students of African , 144 students from various regions of the Russian Federation and 141 students from Moscow. To assess the nature and range of adaptive reactions studied students used the method of L.H. Harkavy et al. The results of these studies showed that a group of students of Muscovites , as in the group of students from various regions of Russia, noted almost the same number of students with adverse reactions adaptation - acute stress (AS) , chronic stress (CS) and the reaction hyperactivation (RH) , which were detected in 4,9 ± 1,8% and 6,3 ± 2,0% , respectively (P ≤ 0,05). AS none Muscovite student and student of Russian regions was not identified . At the same time students Africans celebrated in AS 2,7 ± 1,3%, and the percentage of adverse reactions adaptation was 55,1 ± 4,1% ( P ≤ 0,01). Noteworthy is the high percentage of reactivation reaction (RP) students Africans , which is as stress, nonspecific backbone of many pathological processes. Every 2nd African student had unfavorable adaptive response (RH, AS, CS) , which can lead to the disruption of the mechanisms of adaptation and development of the pathology , which in turn adversely affects the learning process. Thus , studies the nature of adaptive reactions of the organism allow time to identify the body of their unfavorable character of the students and outline a set of measures aimed at improving the adaptive capacity.
Pages: 40-45


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