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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Experience in the use of medical technology, «Identification and correction of disorders of mineral metabolism of the human body» in assessing the effectiveness of the correction of zinc deficiency in children
V.Yu. Detkov - Ph.D. (Med.), Honored Doctor of Russia, Chief Doctor, Children's City Hospital № 19 named after K.A. Rauhfusa (St. Petersburg). Е-mail: dg19@zdrav.spb.ru
L.N. Isankina - Deputy Chief Doctor, Children's City Hospital № 19 named after K.A. Rauhfusa (St. Petersburg). Е-mail: db19@zdrav.spb.ru
A.V. Skalny - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Toxicology Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia. Е-mail: skalny3@microelements.ru
According to various authors risk individual micronutrient deficiency exposed from 1 to 4.5 billion inhabitants of the Earth, and most people are exposed to zinc deficiency. In Russia, the zinc deficiency in children is very high. According to various sources in the frequency of occurrence of regions of zinc deficiency in children may reach 30 % or more. We examined 330 children and teenagers aged 2 to 14 years living in Moscow with low zinc content in the hair . To correct zinc deficiency all children receive daily inwardly from 5 to 15 mg of zinc in the form of aspartate during 36 months. depending on body weight and severity of the deficit EM . It was found that after the correction significantly increased levels of zinc in the hair in all goups, in girl-s group the increasing of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium was obtained, while the content of toxicants decreased  Pb for all children and As for girls, indicating improvement in children balance of trace elements reducing the load toxicants. As a result, the correction reduces the incidence of colds, complaints of poor appetite and sleep disturbance. In the case of poor growth, underweight, hair loss, pain in the limbs and cramps, fatigue and decreased performance, increased sensitivity was observed disappearance of these complaints. After a course correction personalized 3 times less likely to be disturbed children constipation in 2 times less  logopedic defects (stuttering), isolation, low sociability, bruxism. Conducted courses personalized correction of children with zinc deficiency led to positive changes in the health status of children , some of which result was removed from the medical records for a variety of diseases , mainly associated with impaired immunity , digestion, deviations in the central nervous system.
Pages: 36-46

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