350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Floumetry prognostic approach tohigh results in various sports
G.I. Katorgina - Dr.Sc.(Biol.), Professor, Department Biology and Pedology, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Sloletovs
Yu. V. Evseeva - Instructor, Department Physical Education, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Sloletovs
I.P. Boiko - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Chief of Scientific-Educational Medical Center, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Sloletovs. E-mail: Ivanboiko40@mail.ru
Opportunity to assess the functional status of athletes is limited to the need to use special equipment, long-time research, a very limited capacity to attract medical personnel to work with the athletes of mass categories and lack of adequate training of trainers in conducting similar studies. The rapid growth of optical measurement techniques using lasers to create a number of highly allowed , non-invasive instruments for research microvascular hemodynamic analysis of individual indicators capillary venularbloodflow-out revealed three groups of subjects , differing in the degree of physiological mode of microcirculation: First group consisted of athletes with increased venularbloodflow-outthat is physiologically adapted to sustained loads, including endurance. Second group consisted of athletes with low venularbloodflow-outthat is physiologically adapted to the short-term extreme loads. Athletes third group with parameters bloodflow-out close to normal. Thus, LDF-graphy in conjunction with capillary blood flow separation technique can be successfully applied for the selection of athletes for sports studies with primary display of endurance , correction motor mode and detect early pathological changes.
Pages: 31-35

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