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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Сardiointervalographic in the study of adaptation of conscripts
S.M. Karpov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Neurology, Stavropolsky State Medical University. E-mail: karpov25@rambler.ru
V.M. Mudrov - Deputy R&D Director, Clinic of Family Doctor, Nizhny Novgorod. E-mail: mudrov818@gmail.com
E.V. Malevanets - Post-graduate Student, Stavropolsky State Medical University. E-mail: malevanec@bk.ru
A.D. Kaloev - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Emergency Medicine, Stavropolsky State Medical University. E-mail: atz.kaloev@gmail.com
Psychoneurological analyzed the incidence for the period 2010 to 2012 at the among conscripts. In this regard have been conducted and analyzed clinical and neurophysiological parameters in conscripts. A total of 90 conscripts in different useful lives. One group consisted of soldiers who have served less than 3 months - 50 people, 2 group consisted of soldiers after 9 months of service - 40. The control group consisted of 25 young people of the same age at the time of the inspection were not called to military service, with no history of neurological burdened. All military personnel conducted clinical and neurological examination, with an estimate of vegetative status. Extensively studied history. The selection of personnel for the study was conducted single-blind sample. Studies have been conducted using Cardiointervalographic and electroencephalography. We compared the performance of the first and second group and control group. The study allowed the mark in military breach of autonomic balance, which is reflected in the weak vegetative reactivity and vegetative support mainly from the soldiers of up to 3 months of service. The growing influence of higher levels of regulation and control of autonomic balance trophotropic activation mechanisms of adaptation in the military up to 3 months of service is not the best character with the expenditure of additional resources for the neurophysiological optimal autonomic balance. The results of our observations suggest that the state adaptive systems at the beginning of the service of the conscripts are in a state of physiological stress with subsequent stabilization of vegetative support.
Pages: 58-61


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