350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Effect of nitrogen monoxide on testis and its epididimis in experimental inflammation of the animals
A.V. Esipov - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Colonel of medicine, FSSI «3 CMCH named after A.A. Vishnevsky Russian Ministry of Defense» (с. Krasnogorsk, Moscow region). E-mail: alieksandr.iesipov@mail.ru
A.G. Melkonian - Major of Medicine, FSSI «3 CMCH named after A.A. Vishnevsky Russian Ministry of Defense» (с. Krasnogorsk, Moscow region). E-mail: gegarm@yandex.ru
G.G. Melkonian - Major of Medicine, 301 the RMCH EMD (c. Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Territory). E-mail: avetisur@gmail.com
V.K. Shishlo - Ph.D.(Med.), Associate Professor, GBEI FPGE «Russian medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies». E-mail: kisa0303@yandex.ru
During the experimental inflammation of the testis with an epididimis in white rats, the latter, at different times from the start of treatment were taken out of the experiment an overdose of ether anesthesia. Treatment was the traditional antibiotic therapy, monotherapy exogenous nitrogen monoxide, integrated lymphotropic therapy and exposure to nitrogen monoxide. Were compared a biomaterial of healthy white rats the control group rats with biological the material receiving treatment the above described methods. Testes with epididimis and regional inguinal lymph nodes were collected for immunohistochemical, of electron microscopic, histological investigations. These investigations showed high morphological and microscopic efficiency indicators comprehensive and only a NO - therapies above conventional treatments. As criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of different of therapies, we studied the degree of a proliferative activity of endothelium of lymphatic sinuses, mitotic activity of lymphocytes and macrophages, tissue regeneration interstitial tissue of the epididymis and testis.
Pages: 32-38

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