350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
IR spectroscopy in molecular diagnostics of the maize seeds of pure lines and hybrids
G.V. Maksimov - Dr.Sc.(Biol.), Professor, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. E-mail: gmaksimov@mail.ru
E.V. Tyutyaev - Post-graduate Student, Department Biochemistry, Junior Research Scientist of Research and Education Center «Nanobiotechnologies», National-Research Mordovian N.P. Ogarev State University. E-mail: evgen013@bk.ru
I.V. Sysin - Post-Graduate Student, Department Biochemistry, Junior Research Scientist, Research and Education Center «Nanobiotechnologies», National-Research Mordovian N.P. Ogarev State University. E-mail: ilya.sysin@gmail.com
Ch.N. Radenovich - Scientific Advisor, Professor Supermarket in Nis (Serbia), Belgrade. E-mail: radenovic@sbb.rs; www.cradenovic.com
E.V. Tyutyaev - Post-graduate Student, Department Biochemistry, Junior Research Scientist of Research and Education Center «Nanobiotechnologies», National-Research Mordovian N.P. Ogarev State University. E-mail: evgen013@bk.ru
I.V. Sysin - Post-Graduate Student, Department Biochemistry, Junior Research Scientist, Research and Education Center «Nanobiotechnologies», National-Research Mordovian N.P. Ogarev State University. E-mail: ilya.sysin@gmail.com
Ch.N. Radenovich - Scientific Advisor, Professor Supermarket in Nis (Serbia), Belgrade. E-mail: radenovic@sbb.rs; www.cradenovic.com
Using IR spectroscopy revealed that the maximum change in the spectra of components and clean hybrids of maize lines exposed C-H bonds of the molecules of unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons , and C = O amide 1 protein and vibrations of OH bonds alcohols, indicating the different conformations of the molecules , causing the stability and plant physiological activity. It was found that the structure of the IR spectra of maize hybrids , similar to the structure of the IR spectra of pure lines: most pronounced oscillations of valence C-H bonds of alkenes and alkenes (2852 cm-1, 2926 cm-1), ( 995 cm-1) and the O-H bond (1161 cm-1 and 1082 cm-1) of the secondary and tertiary alcohols and C = O amide communications proteins 1 and 2 ( 1651 cm-1, 1541 cm-1) and aldehydes, ketones and α- amino acids (1747 cm-1). The maximum intensity of the bands of the IR spectrum is observed as oscillations in the valence bonds of alkenes (995 cm-1) seed varieties ZP434, and bands of the IR spectrum in 1161 cm-1 and 1082 cm-1 characterizing the deformation vibrations of OH bonds in alcohols and 1651 cm-1 (C = O stretching band communication amide 1 protein). We have shown that severe deformation ( 1460 cm-1) and the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of molecular C-H bonds ( 2852 cm-1, 2926 cm-1) are more common varieties ZP 505 and less than 341-ZP.
Pages: 60-62
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