350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Application of phytoadaptogens at the adolescent population to increase resistance to megapolis environment
K.V. Mikhaylichenko - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Russian Peoples' Friendship University. E-mail: ksecofak@yandex.ru
V.A. Nazarov - Director, Secondary school № 21, Lyubertsy, Moscow Region. E-mail: school_21@bk.ru
A.Ya. Chizhov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Honored Scientist of RF, Russian Peoples - Friendship University. E-mail: ma21@mail.ru
This article is concerned with one of the most actual and complex problems of modern human ecology and medicine. The problem is the preservation of the younger generation health which is the indicator of the ecological situation. Pupils - resistance to influence of ecological factors and academic load, rate and quality of school material digestion depends on their nature of adaptation reactions that testifies to importance of experimentations in this field. In 2011-2012 authors made an assessment of pupils - adaptation reactions pupils in school No. 21, which is situated in Lyubertsy in Moscow region, by dint of the computer «Antistress» program before and after implementation of the fitoadaptogen activation prevention (the eleuterococcus extract). The 75 high-school children (15-17 years old) took part in the research. Activation therapy by a natural biostimulator was conducted everyday in the individually calculated doses depending on the type of the observable adaptation reaction during one month. The activation therapy is the purposive and controlled onset and maintenance of the necessary adaptation reaction of the essential reactivity level in an organism. In general the purpose is the reaction appearance of the increased and quiet activation, most significantly raising nonspecific resistance of the organism. As a result of research it was revealed that the number of pupils, which have the adaptation reactions corresponding to good and satisfactory health level, authentically increased after activation therapy by eleuterococcus extract. The number of pupils with the reactivation reactions, which are opposite to a stress, but also being a nonspecific basis of pathology, authentically decreased (?26,4 %), the number of children with stress reactions authentically decreased (?8,6 %). This research can be used by the medical personnel of schools and city policlinics with the purpose to develop the preventive measures of the incidence rate of the paediatric population.
Pages: 7-11

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