350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Arthroplasty as a treatment method post-traumatic contractures and ankylosis elbow joint in children. Review of the problem
V.N. Merkulov - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, State Organization «Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics n.a. N.N. Priorova» RF Health Ministry A.I. Dorohin - Dr.Sc.(Med.), State Organization «Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics n.a. N.N. Priorova» RF Health Ministry D.A. Dergachov - Trauma-orthopedist, State Organization «Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics n.a. N.N. Priorova» RF Health Ministry
Despite the significant progress made in the tactics of treatment of injuries of the elbow , as well as the presence of a large number of works devoted to this problem , the number of poor results is quite high. This is because of the complexity of the anatomical structure , the special reactivity of the elbow in children as well as errors at the stage of treatment and rehabilitation. Arthroplasty - operation that restores the function of the joint . Feature of the treatment of contractures and ankylosis of the elbow arthroplasty with the use of the method requires the opposite action : on the one hand , you need a long rest to heal the damaged tissue of the joint, on the other hand - the early movements that support the physiological muscle tone, prevent their atrophy , adhesions , obliteration of the articular gap , ossification of the periarticular tissue , maintain normal blood circulation tissue , prevent stiffness in the joint. A number of issues preoperative planning , surgical technique and postoperative management of patients undergoing treatment was chosen arthroplasty of the elbow joint, need to be clarified and clearly differentiated approach depending on the severity of contractures or ankylosis , their age , the child's age . Comprehensive solution to the problem will more accurately predict treatment outcomes and address the negative trends in stages.
Pages: 71-74

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