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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Reduction of biological age with the combined effects immunomodulator of transfer factor and hypoxic training
A.Ya. Chizhov - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Peoples' friendship university of Russia. E-mail: ma21@mail.ru
E.S. Zenchuk - Post-graduate Student, Peoples' friendship university of Russia. E-mail: evgeniyaz80@mail.ru
I.V. Radysh - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Peoples' friendship university of Russia. E-mail: iradysh@mail.ru
For the estimation of the degree of aging, the state of some individual biomarkers has been researched. These biomarkers are the indicators for determine the defining of biological age and analysis of the results obtained by means of a computer system «Diagnostics of aging: Biovozrast». Application of Transfer FactorTM of the Company 4 Life Research (TF) at men (average age 60 years) at a dose of 600 mg daily in combination with hypoxic training for 6 weeks resulted in a significant improvement of both the individual values of biomarker, that define the degree of aging, and reduce the biological age as a whole compared with the calendar age. A comparison of the results between the two groups is monotherapy and combined exposures. In the monotherapy group average of biological age reduced to 4.4 years after 6 weeks of Transfer Factor and in the experimental group - to 9 years, which indicates a greater efficiency of the combined effect. In a series of data of individual biomarkers it is possible to pick out blood pressure as one of the most important indicators of the state of the cardiovascular system. The obtained data show an improvement of the cardiovascular system bofh in the experimental group and the control group, but in the first case the results are more notable. Thus, this results allow us to recommend the application of Transfer FactorTM of 4 Life Research in conjunction with hypoxic training as an important part in a complex prevention of premature aging of the human body.
Pages: 41-46

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