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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of biogenesis processes in the system of «parasite-host» type illustrated by the bacterial nanoforms in the epitelial tissue of fishes
G.V. Devicyna - Dr.Sc.(Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Moscow State University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov
E.V. Yurkevich - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Control Science of Russian Academy of Sciences n.a. V.A. Trapeznikov
A.B. Burlakov - Dr.Sc.(Biol.), Professor, Leading Research, Moscow State University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov
T.B. Golovkina - Leading Engineer, Moscow State University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov
The system organization of the intracellular colonies of epitheliumphylic nanobacteria living in the swards and mucous covering of the fish oral cavity has been studied. The adaptive regularities of the biogenesis of bacterial nanoform are revealed in the epithelial tissue of fishes with the use of the formalized models and methods of scanning and transmission electron microscopy. It is revealed that nanobacteria penetrate inside epidermal cells, distruct cell cytoplasmatic matrix and push the cytoplasm remainders with the cell nucleus into a small volume of a parietal reservation. The bacterial colony organized in the system of clusters connected among themselves fills the main volume of the cell. The cluster layers of the colony are settled down on a spiral that allows to keep the form and size of the epidermal cell. Each cluster is formed by densely packed chains of nanobacteria. The bacteria form the volume geometric structure of a cluster by the principle of a liquid crystal. The complexly structured colony of nanobacteria offends the spatial organization of an epidermal cell, but the cell subsists. The obtained results show that the complex system of a multichannel mutual interaction of the structured colony of bacteria and the epithelial tissue is formed in the skin of infected fishes. Fishes with infected epithelium retain the normal functional state and have the normal coloring of the epithelial coverings. The most essential regularities of coexistence of the elements in this system is the synchronized in time life cycles of the bacterial colony and the epidermal cell. Using the functional model of the formation and grows of colonies, we show that the regularities of ensuring functional stability of the colony biogenesis as an ordered and self-preserving generality ensure the integration of vital functions each of its member with the fish organism. The process of their mutual adaptation is presented in the form of oscillations of the vital function characteristics converging to a stable state. The physiological functions of the colony of nanobacteria and their effect on the fish organism are considered through the agency the mechanisms of the information exchange. Mechanisms of the colony formation are presented as a result of the "collective adaptation" based on the integration of the entire set of nanobacteria. By integration we understood the process of the informational coupling of the colony elements. It is shown that the goal of the colony integration is the maintenance of its physiological activity and inner unity during the life cycle of an epidermal cell. The possibility of bifurcation of the directedness of the adaptation vector of the colony to fish and fish to colony is considered. A qualitative description of the typicality condition determining the possibility of the occurrence of limit cycles of the system genesis is given by dint of the Andronov-Hopf bifurcation model. It is shown that the helical arrangement of the nanobacterial colony in a living cell is such condition. This conclusion is corroborated by the actual arrangement of the layers of nanobacterial clusters on a spiral, which makes it possible to retain the form and size of the epidermal cell. The results of the study of informational interaction between the considered biological objects show the possibility of change from the scheme of the "parasite-host" to the symbiosis one. If , at given environment conditions, only the bacterial colony receives a staminal result of interaction, the biological system is considered as that of the "parasite-host" type. If the mechanisms of coexistence of bacteria and fishes ensure their mutual functional support, then the action the lows of synergetic becomes apparent. Such interaction should be referred to the symbioses schema. Formalization of the information interaction shows that the coexistence of bacterial colonies and fishes follows regularities of fuzzy logic. The scheme of its description may be referred to symbiosis or parasitism depending on of the directionality of the adaptivity vector of biological objects entering the considered system.
Pages: 14-22

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