350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Comparative morphological evaluation of intact cartilage and rabbits joint function after various chondroplasty of posttraumatic defects and without their replacement
G.P. Kotelnikov, L.T. Volova, Y.V. Lartsev, D.A. Dolgushkin
A search for new ways of true tissues restoring is one of the important problems of regenerative medicine. The problem of articular hyaline cartilage regeneration in case of its trauma or disease hasn-t been solved yet. The development of cellular technologies seems to be a perspective direction for this problem solution. However, successful result depends on the way and means of cells - delivery to the injured area. We have created and patented in the Russian Federation the method of intraoperative osseous-cartilage defect plasty using combined cellular-tissue transplants. To obtain these transplants we used three-dimension resorption nano-structural bio-carrier - allogenic demineralized spongiosa, got according to «Lioplast»  technology, and аutologic costal cartilage cellular cultures, immobilized on it. The object of pre-clinical trials were 48 rabbits ? «Chinchilla» species - who have been created a model of two osseous-cartilage defects in the area of femur condyles. 16 animals underwent chondroplasty using combined transplants. Defects in 15 animals were not restored. Defects in 17 animals were restored only with bio-carrier. The dynamics of clinical, functional and morphological investigations had been followed for 6 months. Оn the results of clinical, functional and morphological studies was given the comparative evaluation of the intact cartilage and rabbits joint function after сhondroplasty posttraumatic defects and without their replacement.
Pages: 48-53


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