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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The comparison structural-functional characteristic of bone allografts and xenografts
I.V. Matveychuk, V.V. Rozanov, Yu.I. Denisov-Nikol-skiy
The results of complex structural-functional analysis show that the bones from the standpoint biomaterials investigations refers to anisotropic heterogeneous natural biocomposites, the main components of which (organic, mineral) after discharge from the bone are not discrete and maintain continuity, continuity, but characterized by low values of strength (about 10% of its value for the composite). Architectonic features - orientation of osteones, lamellar structures, the mineralized collagen fibers in the direction of pre-emptive action of physiological stress causes the heterogeneity of the mechanical properties of compact bone material in the direction of the principal axes of anisotropy. This heterogeneity is a manifestation of structural and functional adaptation of bone, as a composite, and maintained regardless of changes in composite material in various physical and chemical influences. Thus, in the process of the production and the further use of bone grafts for bioimplantology we must take into account the fact that their physical and mechanical characteristics are integral expression of morfo-mehanical status of bones, their level of structural organization, acting functional loads and composition of bone tissue. This approach is logical and follows from the conceptual model of bone tissue, which is regarded as a multicomponent heterogeneous anisotropic medium having a volume-oriented system of intraosseous spaces. Such a medium capable of responding to factors of physical, chemical and biomechanical nature, and arising changes of the structure and elemental composition correlated with the physical and mechanical characteristics may be useful for practical applications. Experimental data obtained by applying this methodology are basic criteria for establishing modern requirements for creating implants, including new formulations using bone implant as a carrier for drugs.
Pages: 25-30

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