350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Daily change adaptation reactions and element status in women with uterine myoma of reproductive age
D.V. Brunin
The results of the daily changes in the general non-specific adaptive responses and element status in healthy and with uterine fibroids women of reproductive age. 46 healthy and 68 with uterine fibroids women aged 20 to 42 years was conducted in the morning and 7-9 hours in the evening 18-20 in the follicular phase for 6-8 days. It is established that the value of training and calm response activation was significantly (p < 0,01) above all women in the evening, and increased activation, reactivation reaction and chronic stress - in the morning. Patients with uterine myoma reaction reactivation occurred in 17.9% of cases of chronic stress by 41.1% and 10.6% of healthy and 5.5%, respectively, (p < 0,05). It was revealed that the maximum concentration of healthy women Al, B, Cd, Cu, Hg and Ni was observed in the morning, and Cr, Fe, J, Se, Mn, Si and Zn - night. Found that women with uterine myoma mean daily salivary concentration Cr, Cu, Fe, J, Se, Mn, Si, Ni and Zn are significantly reduced, and Al, B, Cd, Hg, and Pb - increased compared with healthy (p < 0,001). Patients maxima shifts excretion Se, Zn and Cr in the saliva in the morning, Al and Ni - at night compared to healthy. In 23.5% of patients did not reveal statistically significant circadian rhythm of excretion of electrolytes. Thus, it was found that a change in the dynamics of general circadian hronostruktury of adaptive reactions and electrolyte excretion in women with uterine myoma, according to the phenomenon of de-synchronization of the internal and regulatory mechanisms of the shifts in the search for optimal operation of functional systems in the new environment.
Pages: 29-33

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