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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Cobalt deficiency in children with low functional reserve
V. Detkov, A. Skalny, M. Karganov, A. Cherepov, Yu. Medvedeva, M. Glazov, L. Isankina
The monitoring data sanogenetic status of 31 children living in St. Petersburg, with the age of 12.1 + 3.7 years were presented. Simultaneously concentrations of 15 chemical elements in the blood serum were measured. Materials of the study confirm the hypothesis about the features of element status in children with differentfunctional states. Found that in 71% of children with strained levels of physiological balance reduced cobalt in the blood serum. Preventive measures aimed at normalization of cobaltexchange will increase the functional reserves and recovery of reduced physiometric indicators of children.
Pages: 22-28
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