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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The study of a magnesium exchange is the express-indicator of aggressive tendencies in a behavior
I.I. Cheremushnikova, S.V. Notova, N.O. Davydova
The magnesium deficiency at the Russian population takes a leading position with deficiency of iodine, calcium, zinc, selenium. Having studied the problem, we didn't meet researches about interrelation among the element status and aggressive tendencies in behavior of young persons. The purpose of the study was the evaluation of the magnesium security of young people (of 1820 years) organism with using of biochemical indicators and establishment of violation of the student's element status with different levels of aggression and a stress. It was one-off continuous examination of 568 students of 18,7±0,25 years old of the Orenburg state university. Psychophysiological research was carried out on is hardware  the program NS-Psychotest complex of JSC Neyrosoft. Two groups of the students were allocated by results of testing. There were 87 young men with aggressive tendencies in behavior (the I group), in the II group without aggressive tendencies in behavior  79 young men. Biochemical blood tests carried out on the biochemical analyzer «CLIMA MC-15»  by standard techniques. The assessment of element structure of hair was carried out in Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Center of Biotic Medicine laboratory. Deficiency of Mg in hair came to light in group of young men with aggressive tendencies in behavior less often. Positive correlation between the content of magnesium in hair with the following elements is revealed: Ca, Co and Fe. Negative correlation of magnesium is revealed with AL, AS, B, Cd, Cr, Hg, K. Reliable positive communication between time of sensorimotor reaction, level of stability and concentration of attention from the content of magnesium in hair is revealed. The level of the thyroid-stimulating hormone and testosterone of blood serum has the return interrelation with magnesium in a hair. The interrelation among magnesium and calcium was with the highest positive correlation (KP = 0,74). The results of this research have showed that magnesium is the indicator both physiological balance of an organism, and behavior, first of all of young organism.
Pages: 15-20


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